
Visits, Part I

“Good lad. You do your bit on the stage. Tell everyone off the bat, and I’ll sort everything straight after with you.” He points his finger at me and mimes a firing motion as he clicks his tongue. “The opposition won’t know what’s hit them.” Then he’s gone, and the flat feels oddly quiet, and a little violated.

Return to Olympus

There is nothing more important than the bonds of home and hearth. Without them, mankind is lost. For a long time, the balance of the home has been off and made worse with the industrial revolution. A work/home balance is needed. Too much time at either often wrecks both.

Eggplant Parmesan

“If anyone should be top dog around here, it’s moi. This is my game! I should be reaping the bennys!” I squeal, “Time to trade the apple of Discord for the app of Discord!” I’m literally jumping up and down with excitement now, something I only realize as I see Bitsy fly off to a nearby pile of assorted stuff for safety.

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