Ares (Teresa Watson)

OG | Staff Writer Ares is written by mystery writer Teresa Watson, author of thirteen books. She loves all things that involve sports and war movies. | Original God (OG) - Charter member of In The Pantheon |

Saved by Hekate

“Looking for this?” a male voice said from my chair. My sword was being held out to the side by an arm covered in black leather. “Rather careless of the God of War to leave his sword casually lying around, isn’t it?”


A Fighting Muse

I turned around to look through the wood bucket again when I felt something stab me in the back of my right arm. With my left hand, I reached around and felt a knife.


The Spoils of War

“Well, there is also information there regarding bank accounts, and we’re talking serious money. I’ve already had the money transferred into the OA accounts for you. Spoils of war, you know.”

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